A beautiful day of cycling in the Santa Monica Mountains

With the lifting of some restrictions in Los Angeles, the trails in the Santa Monica mountains were re-opened. Bruce and I took the opportunity to ride one of our favorite rides from the top of Reseda Blvd. to the Topanga Overlook.




The weather was perfect and there were quite a few people out enjoying the morning. The trails were deeply rutted from recent rains, but were still a lot of fun.


  1. Dana Lieberman Dana Lieberman

    Hi David. That’s an ICE Adventure FS 26 with a Rohloff hub and STEPS 8000 electric assist. The weight limit is 285lbs, but can go up to 325lbs with the HD version. I hope that helps!

  2. David R David R

    What's the config of the trike with the pride flag? Also the weight limit - asking for a fat friend. (I'm the fat friend, ngl)

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